Thony helps patch Fiona up.
Luca has a bad dream about Susan taking him during her visit that day and wishes he was a turtle so he could hide.
Jorge gets on the streets and looks for information about devil’s breath. He finds a man who sells it and shows him a picture of the man who took Arman. The man says the guy’s name is Dragon, and he can find him at a construction site.
Jorge and Dante find Dragon and kidnap him.
JD asks Fiona to move in with him, and she says she’ll think about it.
Jorge calls Thony and tells her that Dante will pick her up as he got a lead on Arman. On her way out, JD warns her that the people she’s dealing with can’t be around their family.
At the warehouse, Ramona discovers what Jorge did for the first time and is dismayed to see that they killed Dragon. When Thony arrives, she tells them that if they pay the ransom for Arman, the kidnappers will take the money and run.
Ramona tells Thony to clean, and Thony says no, as she needs to get home to Luca.
When she gets home, Thony discovers Luca is missing, and Chris, Jaz, Fiona, and JD are unaware. They all start searching for him, while Thony stays behind and calls Jorge. She tells him to ask Ramona if he took Luca.
Susan arrives at the house for her interview with Luca, and Thony tells her that Fiona took Luca out and will be home soon. Susan decides to stay and wait for him to return while beginning her home inspection.
When Fiona and JD return home, Susan quickly realizes Thony lied about Luca being with Fiona and asks for the truth about Luca’s whereabouts. JD tells Susan that Luca is missing and describes the man who came to pick up Thony earlier.
Susan gets an amber alert set up, and Dante is stopped and arrested.
Jorge tells Ramona he’ll get the insurance money from the sportsbook burning down, which they can use to pay Arman’s ransom. He then asks her about taking Luca, which she denies.
Thony and Fiona drive around town looking for Luca, and Thony admits that she’s been working with the cartel.
Susan calls Thony and tells her Dante doesn’t have Luca.
Jaz admits to Chris she was upset about him leaving for the Philippines and leaving her behind.
Thony figures out that Luca went to the aquarium, wanting to see the turtles. And she and Fiona find him there.
Thony calls Susan and tells her she can do her interview with Luca now, but she says she can’t and will see her in court the following day.
Thony tells Jorge he needs to find a way to get the Amber Alert expunged to get Dante out and to help her case with the courts.
At the court hearing, Fiona, Chris, and Jaz speak on Thony’s behalf. While Susan is testifying, Jorge arrives with documents showing the Amber Alert has been erased.
After Thony pleads with the judge, she’s told she will keep custody of Luca, but CPS will stay on the case.
Jorge goes to Ramona and tells her that he took care of the Amber Alert. She tells him that Dante missed the call from the kidnappers, as he was the point of care for the exchange and was in jail.
Jorge goes to Thony’s that evening and tells her that she needs to stay out of their way moving forward, or she and her son could be in danger.
The post The Cleaning Lady Season 3 Episode 5 Recap: All Of Me appeared first on TV Fanatic.