Thony goes to the shop and discovers someone broke in and spray painted 'go home' on the wall. Handyman Jeremy then shows up to help board up the door at the request of her super.
The coyote comes to get Fiona and Chris, and as they're getting ready to load onto a truck, they see two women who can't afford the passage, and Chris pays for them to get on board.
While on the truck, Fiona and Chris are introduced to the mother and daughter they helped get on, and they discuss Paolo and whether Fiona ever thought about what could have happened if she had never left the Philippines.
Thony goes to the warehouse where Dante wants him to clean cars on Ramona's orders. She can't get ahold of Fiona, unaware the coyotes have taken her phone.
When Thony opens the trunk of a ruck, she realizes a baby has been delivered there. Dante says no when she asks to be taken to the mother to offer assistance. But when Thony hears a baby crying, she finds the mother, Soledad, and the child in a room.
Nadia meets with Russo and tells her that she believes the cartel took Arman and is willing to help them build a case against the cartel in exchange for immunity for her and Arman. Russo shows her body cam footage from an officer who was at the airport, and it shows Arman being placed into a van and still alive.
Fiona and Chris are released from the truck and ordered to stay put until it's time to cross the border.
Dante finds Thony with Soledad and the baby and brings her back downstairs to clean the cars, but Thony sneaks back up and leaves the warehouse with Soledad and her baby, taking her to the cleaning shop.
Nadia tries to identify who took Arman and zooms in on the van he was taken in. She then visits a local junkyard where Arman used to do business, and the man in charge tells her that they had the van, but someone took it from them.
Ramona chastises Jorge after she finds out he went looking for Arman alone. Jorge insists he can find him, and Ramona tells him he will embrace Arman once he's found.
Dante stops by the compound and tells Ramona and Jorge that Thony is missing.
Thony tries to stop Soledad from hemorrhaging and is surprised when the CPS worker, Susan, shows up. Susan is reluctant to help Thony initially, but she does eventually, and they help Soledad stabilize before she's taken by ambulance.
Susan tells Thony she has no choice but to report her to CPS for practicing without a license, but Thony threatens her and says she will report her as well since they worked together to save Soledad's life.
Jorge comes to the shop and takes Thony to Ramona. Ramona tells Thony that she makes the calls, and if Thony steps out of line, she puts the people she loves in danger. Ramona reiterates that the only reason she's alive is because she believes she's important to Arman.
Fiona and Chris go underground.
Jorge takes Thony back to the shop and tells her she needs to remember to think about her son. Nadia comes to the shop to show Thony the video of Arman being taken, and Jorge then makes his presence known and tells Nadia he's Arman's uncle.
Feeling betrayed, Nadia storms off, and Jorge tells Thony she will be a problem while Thony pleads with Jorge to have Ramona talk to Nadia herself.
Fiona and Chris emerge from underground in the United States, but as they make their way to the vans that will take them away from the border, border patrol raids the streets.
Fiona and Chris, along with the mother and daughter, Camilla, they befriended, hide in a store and narrowly escape. But when placed in the vans, Camilla is separated from her mother.
Thony returns to Ramona's warehouse and looks inside one of the vans, the same van that took Arman. She takes something out of it and is approached by Jorge, who claims he didn't realize it was the van that had taken Arman. Thony also admits she was at the airport that night, which she'd never told him.
Nadia once again tells Russo she'll help her build a case against the cartel and Thony, but Russo tells her she would only give Nadia a deal and never Arman.
One of the coyotes messes with Camilla in the desert, and Chris and Fiona step in. After a fight ensues, the coyotes leave Fiona, Chris, and Camilla alone in the desert.
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